• It is an ever changing world. We will try to make updates often on our website, Facebook page, and through emails if we have to update policies based on new laws and regulations.

  • We cannot maintain a six foot distance from you during your massage. With this comes risks as you will be in close proximity with your massage therapist.

  • If you have a fever or have been ill, or have been around someone who is ill, we ask that you reschedule your appointment.

  • Masks are mandated in the state of Colorado at this time, and we ask that you adhere to this policy while in our building.

  • DORA has set guidelines that clients will be required to wear a mask both face-up and face-down during the massage session. If you have questions concerning this policy please contact us via email to discuss.

  • Hand sanitizer is available upon entry into the building and in the massage therapy rooms.

  • Extreme Cleaning: Therapists take special attention to wipe down and sanitize ever surface that might have been touched both in massage rooms and in our lobby.

  • Air purifiers have been added to each massage room to help circulate clean air throughout your session.

  • If you are 5-min early, you are welcome to come inside our building as your therapist is likely ready for you. To reduce having groups waiting for massages in our lobby, please wait outside if you are more than 5-min early.

  • Our licensing committee states it takes 10 minutes to kill the virus with disinfectants on surfaces. Because of this, we are required to have more time in between appointments to effectively sanitize all surfaces in our treatment rooms. To do this, we will have to only give 55-min massages vs. our normal 60-min massages (85-min for vs. 90-min). As soon as COVID-19 is no longer with us, we will return to our typical full 60-min hands on sessions.

  • We will not be able to provide water due to possible contamination from therapist to client, or client to client.

  • We are asking for contactless payment if possible. A few hours prior to your session, we will email you an invoice. Please consider paying for your session just before you come to our office, or even in your treatment room right after your massage. This will cut down on having people congregate in our lobby.

  • Thank you!